The White Tree Frog is the common name given to the Dryopsophus caeruleus, better known by its former scientific name Litoria caerulea. Also known as the Carulean Tree frog, this tree frog is native to New Guinea or Australia, depending on the lineage.
It can be recognized by its complexion, which is generally pale green on the back (or light brown), and pinkish-white on the belly. Slightly sticky, it is considered one of the “best” amphibians for breeding, thanks to its ease of handling, temperament, docility and smile.
Size and weight
White’s Tree frogs are generally between 10 and 12 cm long for females and between 8 and 11 cm for males when fully grown.
Life expectancy
A Litoria Caerulea can live between 7 and 15 years if its owner takes good care of it. Some specimens have even exceeded 20 years in captivity.
What does a White tree frog eat?
The Litoria caerulea is an insectivore, which means it feeds on insects. Here’s the list: crickets, grasshoppers, cockroaches, earthworms, mealworms, dubias and hive moths.
- Juvenile Dryopsophus caeruleus should be fed daily for around 15 minutes. The insects should be sprinkled with a supplement (calcium and vitamin D3). Repashy Superfood works very well.
- Adult White Tree Frogs should be fed3 times a week, at a rate of 3 to 6 insects per meal, depending on size. Once a week, add a calcium supplement such as Repashy Superfood.
Important information: There’s no precise rule for food portions, but try to dose according to the size of your frog. If you see that it’s getting too big, lower the dose. White tree frogs in captivity tend to be overfed, and become obese, which is very dangerous. A sign of obesity can be a bulge above the eyes.
How to handle your Dryopsophus caeruleus
Handling is generally not recommended unless necessary. Indeed, their skin is quite thin, and easily absorbs toxins or other bacteria from our hands. Ideally, use powder-free plastic gloves. If you don’t have any, always wash your hands well, and keep them a little damp for handling 😉
Which terrarium for a White’s Tree frog?
To keep a Dryopsophus caeruleus (ex Litoria Caerulea), choose glass terrariums, closed or with a grid as a ceiling. A front opening is highly recommended. Clean the windows regularly, as the remains of moults and mucus are ideal for bacterial growth. A tall terrarium is a good choice for these small tree frogs.
Terrarium dimensions
A 60 x 45 x 60 cm terrarium is ideal, but don’t hesitate to choose a larger one (high and wide) for your adult tree frogs. Juvenile Litoria caerulea should not be kept in a terrarium that is too large.
Substrate for Australian Tree Frog
The substrate must be safe to ingest, and must maintain a certain level of humidity. Coconut fiber is an ideal substrate, in addition to its antibacterial properties. You can add reptile bedding or pebbles (large enough not to be eaten and not sharp) to prevent the substrate sticking to your frog.
However, avoid moss, which can cause severe indigestion and even death to your frog!
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- Meilleure Cadre de Vie : Cette litière augmente l'humidité...
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Decoration & water source
To decorate the terrarium and prevent tree frogs from escaping, place cork bark covers on the rear wall of your vivarium, as well as on the sides. You can also attach perches for your tree frogs.
Choose classic green plants rather than plastic ones, to avoid toxicity and other problems. You can also create hiding places or raised areas with stones that are not too steep.
Last but not least, frogs need a watering hole to drink and increase their humidity, as well as for bathing. They are, however, very poor swimmers, so choose a container that’s not too deep and from which they can get out easily.
Heat, humidity and lighting
We must reproduce the natural biotope of our animal as closely as possible. Of course, this means respecting the lighting, temperature and humidity levels required for theex litoria caerulea to thrive. The following points should therefore be followed carefully.
Terrarium temperature for Dryopsophus caeruleus
The average temperature in the terrarium should be between 25 and 29°C during the day, and between 20 and 24°C at night.
The hot spot in the terrarium generated by a heating lamp (inaccessible to your amphibian) is the warmest place in the vivarium. It should not exceed 29-30°C during the day, and 24-25°C degrees at night (12h day / 12h night).
To achieve this temperature, opt for an exo-terra 50W heat lamp. Use a thermometer and thermostat to achieve the right temperatures.
Lighting & UVA and UVB
White Tree Frogs are frogs that need UVB like not many, so you need an adequate neon UVB light of 5.0. This applies even if you feed them enough calcium, D3 or similar.
If you need to heat the terrarium at night too, use a blue/violet lamp. This will give your tree frogs a nighttime feel.
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Terrarium humidity/hygrometry
The White’s Tree frog doesn’t need much humidity. It needs a humidity level of 45-60% for babies and juveniles, and 30-40% for adults. Use a digital hygrometer to measure humidity levels.
A bowl of water for bathing and drinking, plus a few sprays, is all you need to achieve this humidity level. You can use either a manual or an electric misting device. Be sure to treat tap water with Reptisafe to avoid damaging your amphibian’s delicate skin.
Reproduction of the White’s Tree frog
For reproduction, you’ll need to simulate the rainy season, because that’s when it happens.
- First, lower the temperature to between 15.5° and 21° and stop spraying.
- After about 5-6 weeks, gradually increase the temperature and humidity again(mist). Feed your frog well.
- When the males start singing and the females get bigger, put them in a rain chamber.
How to create a rain chamber
To create a rain chamber, use a tall (deep) terrarium or aquaterrarium. In the latter, you’ll create a small pond with a water pump so that the water “rains” continuously. You’ll also need green plants, perches and climbing equipment.
The bottom of the terrarium will consist of two parts: a “pond” and a substrate bank. The frogs need to be able to move easily from one to the other.
The water should be heated to 28°C, and a pump used to simulate rainy season showers. You can make holes in the pump pipes if necessary to recreate the “rain effect”.
During mating, the tree frog will scatter its eggs on the surface of the water or on nearby leaves.
Where to find a White tree frog
There are several ways to buy this frog: from a pet store, a breeder, or to a breeders’ convention.
Buying from a pet shop
This can be a good solution, depending on the pet shop, but beware of charlatans who will do anything to sell. Use this sheet as a guide, rather than their unprofessional advice. Also check that the frog is well maintained in the pet shop, and in good health (no scars either)! Rescuing a poorly maintained animal is a good deed in itself, but it will require a lot of effort and care on the one hand, and reward the pet shop’s mistreatment on the other.
Buying from a breeder
This is generally a good choice, as the breeder really knows how to look after her (in theory). Check that this is the case, that she’s in good health, and that it’s not a scam if you buy her over the Internet.
Buying at a convention
Another good option is to buy at a convention, where you can see the tree frog for yourself. You can talk to the breeder, as well as serious professionals in the room.
Can they live together?
It seems that there’s no danger, even for several males! If your tree frogs weren’t in the same terrarium before you bought them, quarantine them for 2 months before bringing them together. This will give you time to check whether they’re sick or have any other problems, and prevent them from spreading. Buy a large terrarium if you plan to house several amphibians.