The best substrate for a Royal Python ? (Python Regius)

Quale substrato per un pitone reale Python Regius

Buying the right substrate for your Royal Python is extremely important. In fact, the choice of substrate for your terrarium is decisive for proper maintenance. Snakes often refuse to eat or are aggressive on certain substrates or when you’ve just acquired them. Changing the substrate is a good way to get them to eat, and … Read more

The best indoor enclosure for a tortoise

Meilleur enclos intérieur pour tortue de terre

When you decide to take in a turtle, you obviously ask yourself several questions about its enclosure: Do I have the space? Do I need a large garden? Indoor or outdoor enclosure for a tortoise? What material should I choose? Mesh or non-mesh? An outdoor enclosure is the best option, as it provides a natural … Read more

What substrate for a Pogona?


It’s a question that comes up often, but one that not everyone bothers to ask.In fact, many novice terrarium hobbyists despair of getting their first lizard or other reptile without knowing what they need, whether it’s their terrarium, the equipment that goes with it, or in this case: The substrate. What is a terrarium substrate? … Read more

What substrate for a Leopard Gecko?

substrat gecko leopard

This is a very important question, one that not everyone takes the trouble to ask themselves.In fact, many amateur terrarists want “just a leopard gecko” without wanting to buy a suitable terrarium or what goes with it such as: The substrate What is a Terrarium substrate? The substrate is the basic support on which the … Read more

Crested gecko care sheet (Correlophus ciliatus)

Gecko à crête Correlophus ciliatus

The scientific name of the Crested Gecko is Correlophus ciliatus.For Ciliatus and Sarasinorum, the name Correlophus has been in force since July 1, 2012. The former name Rhacodactylus is still used for Leachianus (Giant Gecko), as well as 3 other subspecies. Crested geckos are native to New Caledonia, close to Australia and the Fiji Islands, … Read more

Which substrate for a Hermann’s Tortoise?

Substrat pour tortue d'hermann

Many hobby terrarists simply want to buy a Hermann tortoise without thinking about the fact that they need to buy an enclosure (or a terrarium for the younger ones), lights, food or even… the right substrate. But what exactly is substrate? What is a Terrarium substrate? The substrate is the basic support on which the … Read more

Building a tortoise enclosure – A complete guide

Enclos tortue de terre hermann

First of all, here’s a simple diagram of a typical Hermann’s tortoise outdoor enclosure. Hermann’s tortoise is a wild reptile, just like the graeca tortoise, or any other land tortoise. It is therefore essential to prepare a customized enclosure that respects its original environment. In this case, Hermann’s tortoises originate from the Mediterranean Sea, in … Read more